Musings: How to be supportive to a friend who's losing weight

Losing weight is tough. We all know that. It shouldn't be, but it is.

And when losing weight, there's nothing better than having someone support rather than sabotage your efforts. And the thing is, if you're mainly friends with 'thin friends' (you know, the ones who can eat whatever they want and still stay in the same jean size) they can often not get this difficulty.

How to support a friend who's losing weight

Unless they're a really rubbish friend, then they're going to want to support you and often don't know how to.
So, because I'm a top pal, I thought I'd write this post with ways you can be supportive of someone who's trying to lose weight.

Don't bring unsolicited food around to their house

Whilst it's always nice to turn up to a friends house with food, when the person you're visiting is trying to lose weight, chances are that food that hasn't been accounted for within their mind can a) cause them to freak out and constantly think about the food that is there that they can't eat or b) set them off on a mad binge because now they've eaten that one thing, they may as well start on the kitchen cupboard too.

If you really do want to bring something with you, then why not drop them a simple message before arriving asking what they'd like? Don't, however, just show up with something like a bag of carrots saying "'cause I know you're on a diet".

Don't try and tell them what they should be doing

It's times like these you need to keep your opinions to yourself. Just support them doing whatever they're doing. Unless they're obviously causing themselves harm, then you've kind of got to step in. But always be considerate. So what if Aunt Brenda's colleague Lisa lost weight eating half a tomato once a day, your friend is losing weight their way on their own terms. And heck, they may even be allergic to tomatoes.

Let them pick where you go for dinner

It may be hard to give up the reigns, but letting your friend choose where you're going for dinner can be really helpful to them. As someone trying to lose weight, you know in your head where's best to eat to help. You can plan your daily food intake around where you're eating, and ultimately not feel as daunted eating out. If you're desperate to have your say, just both of you choose before the day and get the table booked. When you're trying to lose weight, it's always helpful to be armed with as much info as possible.

Tell them what you're making them for dinner

It sounds silly, but knowing what you're going to be eating beforehand can really help (like I've just said above). When losing weight, you can kind of become obsessive over what you're eating and how many points/calories/syns you can have a day. And whilst that's a whole different blog post, being considerate of this and letting people know what they're going to be eating can really help.

Think of things to do that don't revolve around food

I don't know about you, but a lot of things my friends and I do involve food at some point. As someone losing weight, you can often cancel plans with friends, and become a bit of a recluse as you don't want to do anything to ruin your diet. Suggesting things that don't involve food is a great way to ensure you're friend leaves the house, and also helps them with their weight loss journey.


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