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Measuring Progress #1

Three months 25lbs Front Three months 25lbs Side

I've decided to scrap my weekly weigh day results as I feel like it's clogging up my blog.

Instead I want to most monthly progress posts. In these posts I'll tell you my weight loss from the month, along with putting up progress pictures.

The first time I did Weight Watchers (this is my third FYI) I took progress pictures to monitor how I was doing and found it really motivating, so I'm doing it again!

Above you'll see pictures from the start of my journey to now. That's 25lbs difference!

I'm really excited to see next months progress pictures now too.

I also want to share 3 non scale victories each month too, as I believe that they're great motivators to keep going.

1) Completing the Couch to 5K

As I've said before the last time I attempted just day one I couldn't complete it. I had two goes and both were unsuccessful. To be able to say I've completed just day one is an accomplishment in my eyes, to do it more than once makes me want to dance with joy! I honestly wish I could bottle up the feeling I had when I completed week one, it was amazing!

2) Feeling confident on a night out

Again, I've mentioned before I began shutting myself away from the world as I was ashamed of how I looked. Last weekend saw me going out for one of my bestest friends birthdays (which turned into her engagement night too!) and I honestly felt really good. Especially compared to the other picture when I went out in April

3) Clothes are fitting better

On my other weight loss attempts my main goal was to drop dress sizes and look good, and whilst that's still nice my main reason for joining WW this time is to become healthy. However, I must admit I'm loving the fact that clothes that looked crap now look good! Yay me.

So, see you again same time next month?

P.S If you can't wait to see how much weight I lose, I'll still be posting it on Instagram/Twitter :)