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Fitness: What everybody says is true

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Tonight I had a 'eureka' moment.

After the storm that's been going on outside I decided that I wouldn't be going for a run tonight, that I'd do some YouTube workout at home. And then I thought, nah, I'll leave it for tonight, settle down with Scandal and write some blog posts.

Then, I thought NO! I'm going to go out for my run, and do you know what I found out? What everybody says is true.

The only workout you regret is the one you didn't do. Do I regret going? NOT AT ALL. Would I have regretted tomorrow at weigh in, quite possibly.

Exercise is good for the mind. Before I left I was picking at bits and bobs of food even though I wasn't hungry, and feeling a bit bleh. When I came back my picking feelings had gone and I felt so bright and exhilarated.

I got back and I just felt so good. My run's are getting easier, I know I've done all I can for weigh in and I saw this gorgeous sunset too.

So what people say about exercise is true. It's good for the mind, not just the body.


  1. well done lovely ! i remember that *eureka* moment too - working out is not just about the calorie burn, it becomes about your emotional happiness too , it becomes your "me time" and you feel wierd without it, and is the best stress reliever i find!

  2. Defintiely. It's a great motivator to get out and get moving!

  3. "Exercise is good for the mind. Before I left I was picking at bits and bobs of food even though I wasn't hungry, and feeling a bit bleh." I agree with these words but without you cannot make a beautiful body.
